the aim of the game is to connect all the points, called nodes, with the least amount of lines possible.
lines can only be drawn at angles in multiples of 45°.
if you draw a long line, each segment of the line is counted.
to erase a line, right click or toggle the "erase" button.
the "continuous" button allows you to draw sucessive lines with a single click.
the "clear" button will remove the lines that have been drawn.
the "save" button will allow you to save your progress, letting you continue a game later.
the "solve" button will use an algorithm to complete the puzzle automatically.
compete with others by using seeds, which are a code for the node layout. you can retrieve the seed of your map by pressing "get seed", and import somebody else's by pasting the seed they give you into the seed text box, then pressing "new game".
if you don't have a seed, the "new game" button will randomly generate a new one.
you can use the sliders to control the dimensions of the grid and the number of nodes. you can also resize the map by using the scale slider.